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Accelerating the Pace of Discovery

Take the Leap!

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The Vicious Research Cycle

After years of training, experts are efficient for ​only a brief period before they move on to other ​labs or industries. Proficient scientists take the ​knowledge they've acquired with them, leaving ​a revolving door scenario where trainees often ​start from scratch.

Jump Ship Labs offers access to an expert ​network of researchers who are already ​productive in their chosen disciplines. This ​ensures a seamless process from concept to ​publication, facilitating efficient discovery.

Research Expertise

Jump Ship Labs is owned and operated by Graham Little, ​PhD in Biomedical Engineering. Graham is a data scientist ​with over 10 years of research experience in renowned ​medical research settings.

Specializing in medical image and behavioral analysis, ​Graham leads Jump Ship Labs in autonomously delivering ​custom data analysis pipelines from concept to results. ​This approach significantly reduces costs compared to ​training or hiring staff.

The Jump Ship Labs

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Data Lab

In nearly every scientific field, expertise ​in data science is essential. Similar to ​having an in-house research ​professional, we provide data analytics ​and AI services to accelerate your ​journey from hypothesis to results.

Our services encompass thorough ​analysis and comprehensive ​methods/results reporting. At Jump Ship ​Labs, we embrace open science, ​offering analysis software that can be ​released to the public as needed.

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Production Lab

Boost your lab output by hiring out the ​hard part. We can take your “almost ​there” projects and get them across the ​finish line.

Our offerings include, abstract and brief ​scientific communications, manuscript ​ready figures and media for public ​dissemination of research findings. ​Have a need? We can help!.

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Education Lab

Today, the expectations for graduate ​students and research professionals are ​immense, and learning these skills from ​scratch is a long process.

To expedite learning, Jump Ship Labs ​offers a variety of workshops, including ​introductions to analytics and research ​software, data visualization, and open ​science techniques. If you would like to ​book a workshop or need a custom ​one, reach out to us.

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Want us to accelerate your research? Reach out by email

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